About Doha International Consulting Group
Doha International Consulting Group offers you the pathway to get your dream job and build your career.
Doha International Consulting, a Business Consultancy and Recruitment
Company that opened doors in Doha in 2009 under the leadership of Mr.
Nasser Al-Marri, an HR expert & Mr. Ishan Faizal, a recruitment expert.
One-Stop Station - Talent Search & Acquisition, Training & Development,
Consultancy (Hospitality, HR, Business Strategy, Marketing) /
Hospitality Pre-opening Talent Management
Global businesses aren’t the same anymore! Today’s
dynamic business environment is constantly influenced
by global change and rival market competition. The customers
of the future - To meet and anticipate their needs—demands new
ways of seeing who they are and thinking about what they want
from each other and from companies. Businesses have to be one
step ahead! Many organizations around the world including those
operating from the Gulf region are urged not only to improve their
strategic and organizational reforms but also to improve their
technology based on human capital capability!